Now, the countertop was a joint aggravation for me and the Hubs. Solid surface materials are NOT cheap and you need the right tools to work with them. We even bit the bullet, went to a showroom and asked for a quote for this tiny little piece of countertop. Over $700??? Hell to the NO. The internet was our friend and we found a Samsung composite remnant (Pebble Frost) for a decent price. AND Hubby could cut, drill, sand and install it himself. SOLD! Sounds great, right?? Here is how it was delivered...
Luckily, there was enough left unbroken for Hubby to work with and here is a close up of the translucent, aggregate material and some gratuitous pics of pretty tchotchkes...
The new art above the toilet is by me, Flamboyant Rainstorm One and Two. I took the colors from the shower curtain and just went with the flow of the paint. The wall hanging is another DIY that I'll show you later! The little tray, fake succulent and brass piece are all cheap and clearance finds from Target...
One of the best features we installed was the new towel warming rack by Warmrails:
I'll post some of my DIY's from this bathroom project coming up soon!
Have a great week Everyone!