Below is a before picture of this room right after we bought this house as a weekend/vacation home in 2009:
Ok, keeping it real in this next, BAD photo! This one is from 2011 after we moved into this house permanently. What a mess! Look at that horribly cluttered SHARED closet. This is the reason we added an additional Ikea closet system to the bedroom... URGH! AAHHHHH!
Recovered yet? :-) Below is the view entering the newly decorated master bedroom.
Soooooo much better:
We painted the room with Valspar Filtered Shade - a lovely, soothing dove grey. My inspiration for the color scheme was the turquoise and white gate-patterned shower curtain I found at Target. I bought two shower curtains, used one for the en suite shower and cut the other one up to trim the curtains and make a bolster pillow for the bed:
Below is a wide view from the closet side of the room:
The next area to tackle was my vanity. I cannot stand having to style my hair and put on makeup in the bathroom leaning over the sink! I have always created space in our bedrooms for a vanity:
I also love to create little vignettes with pieces I've collected over the years. The little white and gold covered dish is a gift from Thailand that holds my hair ties. Sentimental, pretty & useful!
Wait! One last photo! :-) Here is the view into our en suite bathroom:
There were many DIY's in this bedroom makeover since I was trying to save as much money as possible. I used a lot of items that we already had in different ways. I'll show you a few of those projects coming up soon. Thanks for hanging in till the end! You guys are such troopers!
Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!