First, after some nail-biting and tooth-grinding, our offer for the house was accepted!! Woo hoo!! (Imagine me doing the Peanuts happy dance - fingers in the air people!) It was touch and go for a week or so, they asked for everyone's "best and final offer", we indicated that our offer WAS our best and VERY final offer, and then, low and behold, we were the highest offer! Just so you know, dealing with Fannie Mae is a pain in the royal tuckus. Anywho, you can just imagine how much decorating/organizing crap is CONSTANTLY scrolling through my head... Sleep has evaded me.
Second, sometime on last Friday, our HVAC went kaput. Awesomesauce!! Not to mention that the guy came out last Monday to recharge the system with refrigerant, which by Friday had leaked into our attic space. Real great, huh?? Good thing there is a solar exhaust fan up there, geez... Glad to report that as of 30 minutes ago, I now sit here mercifully in the AC after sweating it out for 3 days! :-)
Third, we finished the back splash in this kitchen and it looks great! Yes, we grouted, caulked and installed new outlets with no AC in the house. Yes, we are crazy... LOL... BUT, look how PURDY...
I hope you all have a wonderful week and thank you for all of the good vibes! We so appreciate you guys!