Balance every thought with its opposition. Because the marriage of them is the destruction of illusion.
- Aleister Crowley
If you know me at all, you know that I do not enjoy illogical thought processes or hypocritical behavior. I guess it's the scientist in me to analyze everything to DEATH. It's in my nature, it's how I deal with my world, it's how I strive to understand discrepancies and the sometimes downright craziness around me. I always find two distinct sides to any issue and then I strive to see the grey between the black and white. I like grey. It can be a very soothing color. Live in purely black or white and you live in your own fantasy world devoid of the beautiful variations that can occur simply by balancing your views.
A continual, involuntary system of checks and balances is at work in our bodies, however, our minds also need a voluntary balance check every so often. A cleaning out of the cobwebs if you will...
Here's to clearing illusions and living with balance!
Have a great week Everyone!